Mobile decontamination system

CBRN decontamination systems are the synthesis of ruggedness, resistance and simplicity.

They were developed to decontaminate/detoxicate the most various and different surfaces (buildings, vehicles, terrains, etc.) with only one product, called BX 24. BX 24, one of our exclusive jewels is very performant and effective against CWA, BWA, TICs and other serious, alarming emergencies.

The decontaminant and detoxicant product range manufactured and offered today has been expanded with the introduction of SX 34 for the decontamination of sensitive elements (avionics, electric systems and electronic components, optics, TV closed circuit systems) as well as aircraft cockpits.

Our latest development is called LDV-X; a system to decontaminate and detoxicate indoor spaces of airplanes, trains, metros and large closed infrastructures.